
. . . Unlock the Mysteries of the Future with Madame Victoire. . . We had a request from a viewer for this video.


Moroccan geographer said the most difficult thing about English for him is the future. He said "I don't know when to use "will" or "be going to" or the present continuous. It's awful!"

一位来自摩洛哥的地理学家说,英语对他来说最困难的地方就是将来式。他说,“我不知道什么时候用 will,或 be going to 或者现在进行时。太可怕了!”

They're all common ways to talk about the future. And they're tricky because sometimes their uses overlap, and sometimes they don't.


So we're going to to look at the three basics — facts and predictions, plans and making decisions. And we have a story for you so you can see them in action.


Let's start with facts and predictions. Welcome.


I am Madame Victoire and I will unlock the mysteries of the future. How much do you charge?


You get three predictions for three hundred dollars. That's a lot of money.


Three predictions with 100% accuracy and a money back guarantee. Oh, so if your predictions are wrong, I get my money back.


Yes. It won't cost you a penny.


But I'm never wrong. OK.


I'll do it. But here's the thing.


I have a very important job interview tomorrow morning … Shhh.


Let me see… Hmmm, I see black clouds.


It's going to rain tomorrow. Really?


The weather forecast says it's going to be sunny. Oh you're right.


The ball was a little dirty. Tomorrow will be sunny.


I don't trust Madame Victoire. She says she's 100% accurate.


We'll see about that. OK, let's look at some of the things she said.


We often use the verb 'will' to state facts about the future and make predictions. Will is a modal verb and the negative is won't — will not — won't.

我们经常使用动词“will”来陈述关于未来的事实并进行预测。Will 是情态动词,它的否定形式是 won't——will not 的缩写——won't。

It won't cost you a penny. Sometimes it's hard to hear 'will' when we're speaking fast because we use contractions: I'll, you'll, we'll, they'll, he'll, she'll and it'll.


It'll be sunny tomorrow. But with facts and predictions 'will' isn't the only verb we use.


We also use 'be going to'. It's the present continuous form of the verb 'go' and it's very common.

我们也会用“be going to”。它是动词 go 的现在进行时形式,非常常见。

Notice the pronunciation again. When we're speaking fast we don't say going to, we say gonna.

再注意一下发音。当我们说得很快的时候,我们不说 going to,我们说 gonna。

So here's the question. Is there a difference in meaning with 'will' and 'be going to'?

那么问题来了。will 和 be going to 在意思上有区别吗?

A lot of the time, there's no difference. We can say 'will' or 'going to' and it means the same thing.

很多时候,没有区别。我们可以说 will 或 going to,意思是一样的。

A mistake students often make is they use 'will' too much. It doesn't sound natural.

学生们经常犯的一个错误是他们过多地使用 will。这样听起来就不自然。

And also there are some situations where we don't say 'will'. If a prediction is based on present evidence, we say 'going to' — not will.

还有一些情况下我们不说 will。如果一个预测是基于现有的证据,我们说“going to”,而不是“will”。

We saw an example of that too. Hmmm, I see black clouds.


It's going to rain tomorrow. The evidence was the black clouds, so she said 'It's gonna rain. '


She saw that rain was on its way. It would sound odd to say 'will' here.


'Going to' is more natural because she's looking at evidence. She can see the rain coming.

“Going to”就更自然,因为她在看证据。她能看出雨就要来了。

Here's another example. I'm gonna have a problem with that fortune teller.


That's your prediction? Yes, and I'm saying 'gonna' because I saw signs that she wasn't very good.

这是你的预测吗?是的,我说的 gonna,因为我看到了她表现不好的迹象。

Her crystal ball was dirty. Exactly, so I'm predicting that she's going to be a problem.


Then let's see what happens next. Am I going to get the job?


Oh dear. Oh dear. What do you see?


Is there a problem? There'll be a lot of traffic on the highway tomorrow.


How are you getting to that job interview? I'm walking.


Well, don't take the highway. I'm not taking the highway.


I'm going on foot. Just as well.


We heard another prediction there: There'll be a lot of traffic on the highway. But there's always a lot of traffic on the highway.


Anyone could predict that. True.


OK, we heard another future form there. How are you getting to that job interview?


I'm walking. We heard the present continuous.


We often use this form to talk about future plans and arrangements. If it's not clear that we mean the future and not now, we state a time.


How are you getting to your job interview tomorrow? We use 'going to' and the present continuous to talk about future plans.

你打算明天怎么去面试?我们用 going to 和现在进行时来谈论将来的计划。

And again, in lots of situations, you can use either. So is there a difference in meaning with these forms?


We use 'going to' to talk about intentions — things we intend to do. And we use the present continuous to talk about arrangements and appointments with other people.

我们用 going to 来谈论目的、意图——也就是我们打算做的事情。我们用现在进行时谈论与他人的安排和约会。

But many future events are both intentions and arrangements, so in a lot of cases either form works. But if the verb is 'go', we normally use the present continuous and not 'be going to'.

但许多未来的事件既是目的也是安排,所以在很多情况下,两种形式都可以用。但是如果动词是 go,我们通常使用现在进行时而不是 going to。

We heard an example of that. I'm going on foot.


You could also say 'I'm going to go on foot. ' It's grammatically OK, but it doesn't sound so natural.


With the verb 'go' we generally use the present continuous. We'll say things like I'm going to the shops.

对于动词 go,我们一般会用现在进行时。我们会说,我要去商店。

I'm going by bus. I'm going home.


Yes, we could say 'I'm going to go to the shops' but it sounds repetitive. We generally avoid it.


Use the present continuous with the verb 'go' instead. Are we going to see what happens next in the story?

所以就用现在进行时和动词 go 连用代替。我们要看看故事接下来会发生什么吗?

Yeah, OK. I need to know about my job interview.


What questions are they going to ask me? Oh this is interesting.


Well, I never! Is it good news?


Yes. Do you have shares in Acme Corp?

是啊。你有 Acme 公司的股票吗?(动画片中的虚构公司)

No. Well buy some.


I can't. I just gave you all my money.


That's a shame. They're going up tomorrow.


Well, that's it then. But you haven't told me about my job interview.


Just let me make a note of that. Buy Acme Corp…

先让我把它记下来。买 Acme 公司的……

You haven't answered any of my questions. You're a fraud.


I am not! I want my money back.


No. You've had three predictions and they're 100% accurate. I'll call the police.


Oh no. No, no. All right. I'll give you another one.


She's a fraud. But she offered to give you another prediction.


Yeah, but only when I threatened to call the cops. I'll call the police.


Oh no. No, no. All right. I'll give you another one.


Notice she said 'I'll give you another one'. There's a difference between 'will' and 'going to' when we're making decisions like this.

这里注意,她说:“我再给你预测一个。”。当我们做这样的决定时,“will”和“going to”是有区别的。

If we're making a spontaneous decision, we use will, not going to. A spontaneous decision is a decision we're making at the time of speaking.

如果我们是在做一个自发的决定,我们就用 will,而不是 going to。自发的决定是我们在说话时的当下所做的决定。

We saw another example of that earlier. It won't cost you a penny.


OK. I'll do it.


Jay said 'I'll do it' there — so he used 'will' not 'going to'. I made the decision on the spot.

杰在那里说“我同意了”——所以他用的 will 而不是 going to。我是当场作出的决定。

But if we're talking about a decision we made earlier, we don't say will. We say 'be going to' or we use the present continuous.

但如果我们说的是我们之前做的决定,我们不会说 will。我们会说“be going to”或者我们会用现在进行时。

Well, don't take the highway. I'm not taking the highway. I'm going on foot.


Just as well. So at the moment we're making a decision, we use 'will'.

也好啊。所以在我们做决定的那一刻,我们会用 will。

But after we've made the decision it becomes our intention or plan. And then we use 'going to' or the present continuous because the decision's already made and now it's a plan.

但当我们做出决定后,它就变成了我们的意图或计划。然后我们会用 going to 或者现在进行时,因为已经做好了决定,现在就是计划了。

It's logical if you think about it. I think we need a review.


We use 'be going to' and 'will' to talk about future facts and to make predictions. In most situations we can say 'will' or 'going to'.

我们用“be going to”和“will”来谈论未来的事实并做出预测。在大多数情况下,我们可以说“will”或“going to”。

It doesn't matter which one. But if there's evidence or if there are signs that something is on its way, we generally use 'be going to'.

用哪一个都可以。但是,如果有证据或有迹象表明某事正在进行中,我们通常会用“be going to”。

We also use 'be going to' to talk about future plans. And we use the present continuous to talk about plans as well, especially if we're talking about arrangements and appointments with other people.

我们也用“be going to”来谈论未来的计划。我们还会用现在进行时来谈论计划,特别是在我们谈论与其他人的安排和约会的情况下。

If we're making a decision at the time of speaking, we say 'will'. And if we're talking about a decision that was made in the past, we use 'going to'.

如果我们在说话的时候要做一个决定,我们会说“will”。而如果我们说的是过去做的决定,我们就用 going to。 ~xyq~

So those are the key rules we follow with 'will', 'be going to' and the present continuous. It's not so hard, is it?

以上就是我们使用 will,be going to 和现在进行时所遵循的关键规则。并不是很难,对吧?

Just remember not to use 'will' all the time because sometimes 'will' doesn't work. Is that it then?

只是记住不要一直用 will,因为有时用 will 会不合适。那就这些了?

Yes. Well, we still need to finish the story.

是的。嗯,我们还需要听完这个故事。 倩言

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Let's finish the story then. Tell me about my job interview.


What's going to happen? You don't need to worry about your job interview.


Thank goodness for that! In fact they're going to call you in three seconds to cancel it.


Why? They've already hired someone else.


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